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洪堡学者,博(硕)士生导师。2007年毕业于河北师范大学资源与环境科学学院(现地理科学学院),地理科学专业;2007-2012年,在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所硕博连读,获生态学博士学位;2013-2014年,在陆地表层格局与模拟院重点实验室从事博士后研究,合作导师:郑度院士;2014-2019年,在德国柏林自由大学生物研究所先后做访问学者、洪堡学者和客座科学家,合作导师: Prof. Suanne Wurst 和 Prof. Britta Tietjen。2019年4月,入选中国农业科学院“青年英才”海外引进计划,同年12月入职农业环境与可持续发展研究所工作至今。主要从事气候变化与温室气体减排、农业资源开发与利用、高寒草地保护与利用、生态补偿政策效益评价、农牧民生计可持续性等研究。




1.  国家科学技术部,第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究,任务十“区域绿色发展途径”中“专题2农牧耦合绿色发展的资源基础考察研究”,子专题“天然草地牧草供给与补饲需求”,2019-2024,111万,主持,在研;

2.  草原生态保护补助奖励政策实施效益评价,农业农村部畜牧兽医局,2023,9.4万,主持,在研;

3.  高寒高海拔区域人工草地固碳效益评价,西藏阿里地区科技计划项目,202206-202406,12万,主持,在研;

4.  双碳目标下人工草地生产生态效益权衡,西藏阿里地区科技计划项目,202206-202406,20万,主持,在研;

5.  国家科学技术部和外国专家局,欧亚草地利用与保护,“一带一路”创新人才交流外国专家项目,202101-202212,30万,主持,已结题;


1.  Wang, Z., Niu, B*., He, Y., Zhang,J., Wu, J., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X*. 2023. Weakening summerwesterly circulation actuates greening of the Tibetan Plateau. Global andPlanetary Change 221, 104027.

2.   Fan, D., Ji, M., Wu, J., Chen, H., Jia, H., Zhang,X., Zhuang, X., Kong, W*. 2023. Grazing does not influencesoil arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity, but increases their interactioncomplexity with plants in dry grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau. EcologicalIndicators 148, 110065.

3.  Zhao, J., Fan, D., Guo, W., Wu,J., Zhang, X., Zhuang, X., Kong, W*. 2023. Precipitation Drives SoilProtist Diversity and Community Structure in Dry Grasslands. Microbial Ecology.doi.org/10.1007/s00248-023-02235-5

4.  Wang, Y*., Xue, K., Hu, R., Ding,B., Zeng, H., Li, R., Xu, B., Pang, Z., Song, X., Li, C., Du, J., Yang, X.,Zhang, Z., Hao, Y., Cui, X., Guo, K., Gao, Q., Zhang, Y., Zhu, J., Sun, J., Li,Y., Jiang, L., Zhou, H., Luo, C., Zhang, Z., Gao, Q., Chen, S., Ji, B., Xu, X.,Chen, H., Li, Q., Zhao, L., Xu, S., Liu, Y., Hu, L., Wu, J., Yang, Q.,Dong, S., He, J., Zhao, X., Wang, S., Piao, S., Yu, G., Fu, B. 2023. Vegetationstructural shift tells environmental changes on the Tibetan Plateau over 40years. Science Bulletin 68, 1928-1937.

5.  Wang, Z., Zhang, X., Niu,B.*,Zheng, Y., He, Y., Cao, Y., Feng, Y.,Wu, J. (2022) Divergent ClimateSensitivities of the Alpine Grasslands to Early Growing Season Precipitation onthe Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14,2484.

6.  Zhang, X.,Li, M., Wu, J., He, Y., Niu, B.* 2022.Alpine Grassland AbovegroundBiomass and Theoretical Livestock Carrying Capacity on the Tibetan Plateau. Journalof Resource and Ecology. 2022,13(1),129-141.

7.  Hassan, W.,Li, Y., Saba, T., Wu, J., Bashir, S., Bashir, S., Gatasheh, M., Diao, Z., Chen,Z. 2022. Temperature responsiveness of soil carbon fractions, microbes,extracellular enzymes and CO2 emission: mitigating role of texture. PeerJ.10:e13151.

8.  Hassan, W.,Li, Y*., Saba, T., Jabbi, F., Wang, B., Cai, A., Wu, J. 2022. Improvedand sustainable agroecosystem, food security and environmental resiliencethrough zero tillage with emphasis on soils of temperate and subtropicalclimate regions: A review. International Soil and Water Conservation Research10, 530-545.

9.  Smith, M.D*.,Koerner, S.E., Avolio, M.L., Komatsu, K.J., Eby, S., Forrestel, E.J., Collins,S.L., Wilcox, K.R., Ahumada, R., Morgan, J.W., Oliva, G., Oñatibia, G.R.,Overbeck, G.E., Peter, G., Quiroga, E., Sankaran, M., Wu, J., Yahdjian,L., Yu, Q. 2022. Richness, not evenness, varies across water availabilitygradients in grassy biomes on five continents. Oecologia 199, 649-659.

10.  Han, L.,Ganjurjav, H., Hu, G., Wu, J., Yan, Y., Danjiu, L., He, S., Xie, W., Yan, J.,Gao, Q. 2022. Nitrogen Addition Affects Ecosystem Carbon Exchange by RegulatingPlant Community Assembly and Altering Soil Properties in an Alpine Meadow onthe Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:900722.

11.   Wang, D.,Zhou, H*., Zuo, J., Chen, P., She, Y., Yao, B., Dong, S., Wu, J., Li,F., Njoroge, D.M., Shi, G., Mao, X., Ma, L., Zhang, Z., Mao, Z. 2022. Responsesof Soil Microbial Metabolic Activity and Community Structure to DifferentDegraded and Restored Grassland Gradients of the Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers inPlant Science 13:770315.

12.   Guo, C.,Wesche, K., Mărgărint, M.C., Nowak, A., Dembicz, I., Wu, J*. 2022.Climate overrides fencing and soil mineral nutrients to affect plant diversityand biomass of alpine grasslands across North Tibet. Frontiers in Plant Science13:1024954.

13.   Chen, H., Kong, W*., Shi, Q., Wang,F., He, C., Wu, J., Lin, Q., Zhang, X., Zhu, Y.-G., Liang, C., Luo, Y. 2022.Patterns and drivers of thedegradability of dissolved organic matter in dryland soils on the TibetanPlateau. Journal of Applied Ecology 59, 884-894.

14.  Chen B,Chen H, Li M, Fiedler S, Mărgărint MC, Nowak A, Wesche K, Tietjen B, Wu J*.2022. Climate Sensitivity of the Arid Scrublands on the Tibetan PlateauMediated by Plant Nutrient Traits and Soil Nutrient Availability.RemoteSensing. 14(18):4601,rs14184601.

15.   Li, M., H. Yu, B. Meng, Y. Sun, J.Zhang, H.Zhang, J. Wu*andS. Yi* (2021). "Droughtreduces the effectiveness of ecologicalprojects: Perspectives from theinter-annual variability of vegetationindex." Ecological Indicators 130:108158.

16.  Biurrun, I., R. Pielech, I. Dembicz, F. Gillet, Ł.Kozub,C. Marcenò, T.Reitalu, K. Van Meerbeek, R. Guarino, M. Chytrý, R. J.Pakeman,Z. Preislerová,I. Axmanová, S. Burrascano, S. Bartha, S. Boch, H. H.Bruun, T.Conradi, P. DeFrenne, F. Essl, G. Filibeck, M. Hájek, B. Jiménez‐Alfaro,A.Kuzemko, Z.Molnár, M. Pärtel, R. Pätsch, H. C. Prentice, J. Roleček, L. M. E.Sutcliffe,M.Terzi, M. Winkler, J. Wu, S. Aćić, A. T. R. Acosta, E. Afif,M.Akasaka, J. M. Alatalo, M. Aleffi,A. Aleksanyan, A. Ali, I. Apostolova,P.Ashouri, Z. Bátori, E. Baumann, T.Becker, E. Belonovskaya, J. L.BenitoAlonso, A. Berastegi, A. Bergamini, K. P.Bhatta, I. Bonini, M. O.Büchler, V.Budzhak, Á. Bueno, F. Buldrini, J. A.Campos, L. Cancellieri, M.Carboni, T.Ceulemans, A. Chiarucci, C. Chocarro, L.Conti, A. M. Csergő,B.Cykowska‐Marzencka, M. Czarniecka‐Wiera, M. Czarnocka‐Cieciura,P.Czortek, J.Danihelka, F. de Bello, B. Deák, L. Demeter, L. Deng, M.Diekmann, J.Dolezal,C. Dolnik, P. Dřevojan, C. Dupré, K. Ecker, H. Ejtehadi, B.Erschbamer,J.Etayo, J. Etzold, T. Farkas, M. Farzam, G. Fayvush, M. R.Fernández Calzado,M.Finckh, W. Fjellstad, G. Fotiadis, D. García‐Magro,I. García‐Mijangos,R.G.Gavilán, M.Germany, S. Ghafari, G. P. Giusso del Galdo, J. A. Grytnes, B.Güler,A.Gutiérrez‐Girón, A.Helm, M. Herrera, E. M. Hüllbusch, N. Ingerpuu,A. K. Jägerbrand,U. Jandt, M. Janišová, P.Jeanneret, F. Jeltsch, K. Jensen,A. Jentsch, Z. Kącki,K. Kakinuma, J. Kapfer,M. Kargar, A. Kelemen, K. Kiehl,P. Kirschner, A. Koyama,N. Langer, L. Lazzaro,J. Lepš, C. F. Li, F. Y. Li, D.Liendo, R. Lindborg, S.Löbel, A. Lomba, Z.Lososová, P. Lustyk, A. L.Luzuriaga, W. Ma, S. Maccherini,M. Magnes, M.Malicki, M. Manthey, C. Mardari,F. May, H. Mayrhofer, E. S. Meier,F.Memariani, K. Merunková, O. Michelsen, J.Molero Mesa, H. Moradi, I.Moysiyenko,M. Mugnai, A. Naqinezhad, R. Natcheva,J. M. Ninot, M. Nobis, J.Noroozi, A.Nowak, V. Onipchenko, S. Palpurina, H.Pauli, H. Pedashenko, C.Pedersen, R. K.Peet, A. Pérez‐Haase, J. Peters, N.Pipenbaher, C. Pirini, E. Pladevall‐Izard,Z.Plesková, G.Potenza, S.Rahmanian, M. P. Rodríguez‐Rojo, V. Ronkin, L. Rosati,E. Ruprecht, S. Rusina,M. Sabovljević, A.Sanaei, A. M. Sánchez, F. Santi, G.Savchenko, M. T.Sebastià, D.Shyriaieva, V. Silva, S. Škornik, E. Šmerdová, J.Sonkoly, M. G.Sperandii, M. Staniaszek‐Kik,C. Stevens, S. Stifter, S. Suchrow,G. Swacha, S.Świerszcz, A. Talebi, B.Teleki, L. Tichý, C. Tölgyesi, M. Torca,P. Török, N.Tsarevskaya, I.Tsiripidis, I. Turisova, A. Ushimaru, O. Valkó, C.VanMechelen, T.Vanneste, I. Vasheniak, K. Vassilev, D. Viciani, L. Villar,R.Virtanen, I.Vitasović‐Kosić, A. Vojtkó, D. Vynokurov, E. Waldén, Y. Wang, F.Weiser, L.Wen, K. Wesche,H. White, S. Widmer, S. Wolfrum, A. Wróbel, Z. Yuan,D. Zelený,L.Zhao and J. Dengler. 2021. Benchmarking plant diversity ofPalaearcticgrasslands and other open habitats. Journal of VegetationScience(accepted), e13050. doi: 10.1111/jvs.13050.

17.   Niu, W., Chen, H*., and Wu, J*. 2021. Soil Moisture andSolubleSalt Content Dominate Changes in Foliar δ13C and δ15N of DesertCommunities in theQaidam Basin, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in PlantScience12(1411). doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.675817.

18.  Li, M., Zhang,X.*, Wu, J., Ding, Q., Niu,B.,and He,Y.. 2021. Declining humanactivity intensity on alpinegrasslandsof the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Environmental Management296: 113198.

19.   Zhang, J*., Gillet, F., Bartha,S., Alatalo, J.M.,Biurrun,I., Dembicz, I., Grytnes, J.A., Jaunatre, R.,Pielech, R., Van Meerbeek,K.,Vynokurov, D., Widmer, S., Aleksanyan, A.,Bhatta, K.P., Campos, J.A.,Czortek,P., Dolezal, J., Essl, F.,García‐Mijangos, I., Guarino, R., Güler,B., Hájek,M.,Kuzemko, A., Li, F.Y.,Löbel, S., Moradi, H., Naqinezhad, A., Silva, V.,Šmerdová, E.,Sonkoly, J.,Stifter, S., Talebi, A., Török, P., White, H., Wu, J.,Dengler, J.,Sabatini, F.M.,2021. Scale dependence of species-area relationshipsiswidespread but generally weak in Palaearctic grasslands. Journal ofVegetationScience 32, e13044.

20.  Niu, B., Zhang, X*., Piao, S., Janssens, I.A., Fu,G.,He,Y., Zhang, Y., Shi, P., Dai, E., Yu, C., Zhang, J., Yu, G., Xu, M., Wu,J.,Zhu, L., Desai, A.R., Chen, J., Bohrer, G., Gough, .M., Mammarella,I.,Varlagin, A., Fares, S., Zhao, X., Li, Y., Wang, H.,Ouyang, Z., 2021.Warminghomogenizes apparent temperature sensitivity of ecosystem respiration.ScienceAdvance 7, abc7358

21.  Liu, Q., Liu, L., Zhang, Y.,Wang, Z.,Wu, J., Li, L., Li,S., Paudel, B., 2021. Identificationof impact factors for differentiatedpatterns of NDVI change in the headwatersource region of Brahmaputra and Indus,Southwestern Tibetan Plateau.Ecological Indicators 125, 107604.

22.  Li, M., Wu, J.*, Feng,Y., Niu, B., He, Y.,Zhang, X., 2021. Climate VariabilityRather Than Livestock Grazing DominatesChanges in Alpine Grassland ProductivityAcross Tibet. Frontiers in Ecology andEvolution 9, 631024.

23.  Wu, J*., Li, M., Zhang, X., Fiedler, S., Gao, Q.,Zhou,Y.,Cao, W., Hassan, W., Mărgărint, M.C., Tarolli, P., Tietjen, B.,2021.Disentanglingclimatic and anthropogenic contributions to nonlineardynamics of alpinegrassland productivity on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Journal of EnvironmentalManagement 281, 111875.

24.   Ganjurjav, H., Gornish, E., Hu, G., Wu, J., Wan, Y.,Li,Y., Gao, Q.*, 2021. Phenological changes offset the warming effects onbiomassproduction in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. JournalofEcology 109, 1014-1025.

25.   Yang, Y., Zhou, Z., Li, Y., Lv,Y., Yang, D., Yang, S.,Wu,J., Li, X., Gu, Z., Sun, X., Yang, Y*., 2020. Uncovering the role of apositiveselection site of wax ester synthase/diacylglycerol acyltransferase intwoclosely related Stipa species in wax ester synthesis under droughtstress.Journal of Experimental Botany 71, 4159-4170.

26.   Wang, Z., Wu, J.,Niu, B., He, Y., Zu,J., Li, M., Zhang, X*., 2020. VegetationExpansion on theTibetan Plateau and Its Relationship with Climate Change. RemoteSensing 12, 4150.

27.   Wang, Z., He, Y., Niu, B., Wu,J.,Zhang, X*., Zu, J., Huang,K., Li, M., Cao, Y., Zhang, Y., Chen, N., Yang,S.,Wang, X., 2020. Sensitivity of terrestrial carbon cycletochanges in precipitation regimes. Ecological Indicators 113, 106223.

28.   Li, M., Zhang, X., Niu, B.,He,Y.,Wang, X., Wu. J*., 2020. Changes in plant speciesrichness distribution inTibetan alpine grasslands under different precipitationscenarios. GlobalEcology and Conservation 21, e00848.

29.  Li, M., Zhang, X*., He, Y., Niu, B., Wu. J.,2020.Assessment of the vulnerability of alpine grasslands on theQinghai-TibetanPlateau. PeerJ 8,e8513.

30.  Li, M., Wu, J., He, Y., Wu, L.,Niu,B., Song, M.*, Zhang, X*., 2020. Dimensionality ofgrasslandstability shifts along with altitudes on the Tibetan Plateau.Agricultural andForest Meteorology, 291, 108080.

31.   Cao, Y., Wu, J., Zhang, X., Niu, B., He,Y.,2020.Comparison of methods for evaluating the forage-livestock balanceofalpine grasslands on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of ResourcesandEcology11, 272-282.

32.   Zhao, G., M. Liu, P.Shi*, N. Zong, J. Wang, J. Wu, Zhang.X., 2019.Spatial-Temporal Variation of ANPP and Rain-Use Efficiency AlongaPrecipitation Gradient on Changtang Plateau, Tibet. Remote Sensing 11:325.

33.  Wu,J*., Song, M., Ma,W., Zhang,X.,Shen, Z., Tarolli, P., Wurst, S., Shi, P., Ratzmann, G., Feng,Y., Li, M.,Wang,X., Tietjen. B., 2019. Plant and soil’s δ15N areregulated by climate, soil nutrients,and species diversity in alpine grasslandson the northern Tibetan Plateau.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 281,111-123.

34.  Wu,J.*, M. Li, S. Fiedler,W. Ma, X.Wang, B. Tietjen, Zhang. X., 2019. Impacts ofgrazingexclusion on productivity partitioning along regional plant diversityandclimate gradients in Tibetan alpine grasslands, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement,231,635-645.

35.  Torresani, L*., Wu, J., Masin, R., Penasa, M., Tarolli.P.,2019. Estimating soil degradation in montane grasslands of North-easternItalianAlps (Italy). Heliyon 5, e01825.

36.  Sun, Z*., Wu, J., Liu, F., Shao, T., Liu,X., Chen,Y.,Long, X., Rengel. Z., 2019. Quantitatively assessing the effects ofclimatechange and human activities on ecosystem degradation and restorationinsouthwest China. Rangeland Journal 41,335-344.

37.   Li,M., J. Wu*, C. Song, Y. He, B.Niu,G. Fu, P. Tarolli, B. Tietjen, andX. Zhang. 2019.TemporalVariability of Precipitation and Biomass of Alpine Grasslands on theNorthernTibetan Plateau. RemoteSensing 11:360.

38.  Li, L., Zhang, Y*., Wu, J., Li,S.,Zhang, B., Zu, J.,Zhang, H., Ding, M., Paudel. B.,2019.Increasing sensitivity of alpine grasslands to climate variability alonganelevational gradient on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Sciences of the TotalEnvironment678, 21-29.

39.  Cao, Y., Wu, J., Zhang, X*., Niu, B., Li, M., Zhang,Y.,Wang, X., Wang. Z.,2019. Dynamic forage-livestock balance analysis in alpinegrasslandson the Northern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Environmental Management238,352-359.

40.  Zhang, Y., Y. Pan,X. Zhang*, J. Wu*,C. Yu, M. Li,Wu. J.,2018. Patterns and dynamics of thehuman appropriation of net primary productionand its components in Tibet,Journal of Environmental Management, 210, 280-289.

41.   Wu,J., and G. Fu*. 2018, Modelling abovegroundbiomassusing MODIS FPAR/LAI data in alpine grasslands of the Northern TibetanPlateau,Remote Sensing Letters, 9: 150-159.

42.  Tian, Y., Yu, C*., Zha, X.,Wu, J., Gao, X., Feng. C.,2018.Geographical and Botanical Variation in Concentrations of Molybdenum inNaturalPasture Plants and Surface Water and Yak Molybdenum Ingestion in NorthTibet,China. Journal of Resources and Ecology 9, 545-553, 549.

43.  Li, S.*, J. Wu, J. Gong, Li. S., 2018, Human footprintinTibet: Assessing the spatial layout and effectiveness of nature reserves,Scienceof the Total Environment, 621, 18-29.

44.  Li, L., Y. Zhang*, L. Liu*, J. Wu,Z.Wang, S. Li, H. Zhang, J. Zu,M. Ding, Paudel. B.,2018.SpatiotemporalPatterns of Vegetation Greenness Change and Associated ClimaticandAnthropogenic Drivers on the Tibetan Plateau during 2000–2015, RemoteSensing,10, 1525.

45.  Li, L., Y. Zhang*, L. Liu*, J. Wu,S.Li, H. Zhang, B.Zhang, M. Ding, Z. Wang, Paudel. B.,2018Currentchallenges in distinguishing climatic and anthropogeniccontributions to alpinegrassland variation on the Tibetan Plateau, Ecology andEvolution, 8: 5949-5963.

46.  Koerner, S.E.*, M.D. Smith, D.E. Burkepile, N. Hanan,M.L.Avolio, S.L. Collings, A.K. Knapp, N.P. Lemoine, E.J. Forrestel, S. Eby,DaveI. Thompson, G. Aguado-Santacruz, J.P. Anderson, M. Anderson, A. Angassa,S.Bagchi, E.S. Bakker, G. Bastin, L.E. Baur, K.H. Beard, E.A. Beever,P.J.Bohlen, E.H. Boughton, D. Canestro, A. Cesa, E. Chaneton, J. Cheng,C.M.D'Antonio, C. Deleglise, F. Dembélé, J. Dorrough, D. Eldridge, B. Fernandez-Going,S.Fernández-Lugo, L.H. Fraser, B. Freedman, G. Garcia-Salgado, J.R. Goheen,L.Guo, S. Husheer, M. Karembé, J.M.H. Knops, T. Kraaij, A. Kulmatiski,M.Kytöviita, F. Lezama, G. Loucougaray, A. Loydi, D.G. Milchunas, S. Milton,J.W.Morgan, C. Moxham, K.C. Nehring, H.Olff, T. M.Palmer, S. Rebollo, C.Riginos,A.C. Risch, M. Rueda, M. Sankaran, T. Sasaki,K. Schoenecker, N.L.Schultz, M.Schütz, A. Schwabe, F. Siebert, C. Smit, K. A. Stahlheber, C. Storm,D.J.Strong, J. Su, Y.V. Tiruvaimozhi, C. Tyler, J. Val, M.L. Vandegehuchte,K.E.Veblen, L.T. Vermeire, D. Ward, J. Wu, T.P. Young, Q. Yu, , Zelikova.T.J.,2018. Resolving variation in herbivore effects on plant biodiversity –changein dominance as a global mechanism, Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2,1925-1932.

47.  Zhao, G., P. Shi*, J. Wu, D. Xiong, N. Zong, Zhang.X.,2017. Foliar nutrient resorption patterns of four functional plants alongaprecipitation gradient on the Tibetan Changtang Plateau, Ecology andEvolution,7(18):7201-7212.

48.  Wu, J.*, Y. Feng, X.Zhang, S.Wurst,B. Tietjen, P. Tarolli, Song. C., 2017. Grazingexclusionby fencing non-linearly restored the degraded alpine grasslands on theTibetanPlateau, Scientific Reports, 7(1):15202.

49.  Niu, B., X. Zhang*, Y. He, P. Shi,G.FU, M. Du, Y. Zhang, N. Zong, J.Zhang, Wu. J., 2017. Satellite-BasedEstimationof Gross Primary Production in an Alpine Swamp Meadow on the TibetanPlateau: AMulti-Model Comparison. Journal of Resources and Ecology 8:57-66.

50.  Fu, G., Wu. J.*, 2017.Validation of MODIS collection6FPAR/LAI in the Alpine Grassland of the northern Tibetan Plateau,RemoteSensing Letters, 8(9): 831-838.

51.  Feng, Y., J. Wu*, J. Zhang, X. Zhang, Song.C.,2017.Identifying the Relative Contributions of Climate and Grazing toBothDirection and Magnitude of Alpine Grassland Productivity Dynamics from 1993to2011 on the Northern Tibetan Plateau, Remote Sensing, 9(2):rs9020136.

52.  Zhou, N., J. Wu*,Z. Shen, X.Zhang,Yang, P., 2016. Species-area relationshipwithin andacross functional groups at alpine grasslands on the northern TibetanPlateau,China, Journal of Mountain Science, 13(2): 265-275.

53.  Yu, C., X. Zhang,J. Zhang, S. Li,C.Song, Y. Fang, S. Wurst, Wu, J.* 2016. GrazingExclusionto Recover Degraded Alpine Pastures Needs Scientific Assessmentsacross theNorthern Tibetan Plateau, Sustainability, 8(11):su8111162.

54.  Wu, J.*, S. Wurst, Zhang, X.,* 2016. Plant functional trait diversity regulates the nonlinearresponseof productivity to regional climate change in Tibetan alpinegrasslands,Scientific Reports, 6: srep35649.

55.  Tian, Y., C. Yu*, X. Zha, J. Wu, X. Gao, C. Feng, Luo.K*.,2016. Distribution and Potential Health Risks of Arsenic, Selenium, andFluorinein Natural Waters in Tibet, China, Waters (Switzerland), 8(12):568.

56.  Li, S., Wu. J*, 2016. Community assembly andfunctionalleaf traits mediate precipitation use efficiency of alpine grasslandsalongenvironmental gradients on the Tibetan Plateau, PeerJ, 4:e2680.

57.  Zeng, C., J. Wu*, Zhang. X, 2015. Effects of Grazing on Above- vs Below-Ground BiomassAllocationof Alpine Grasslands on the Northern Tibetan Plateau, PlosOne,10(8):e0135173.

58.  Wu, J.*, P. Yang, X.Zhang, Z. Shen, Yu. C., 2015. Spatialand climatic patternsof the relative abundance of poisonous vs non-poisonousplants across theNorthern Tibetan Plateau, Environmental Monitoring andAssessment, 187: 491.

59.   Tian, Y., C. Yu*, K. Luo*, X. Zha, J. Wu, X. Zhang,Ni.R.,2015. Hydrochemical characteristics and element contents of naturalwaters inTibet, China, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 25(6):669-686.

60.  Xiong, D., P. Shi*, Y. Sun, J. Wu, Zhang. X., 2014.Effectsof grazing exclusion on plant productivity and soil carbon, nitrogenstorage inalpine meadows in northern Tibet, China, Chinese GeographicalScience, 24(4):488-498.

61.  Wu, J., X. Zhang*, Z.Shen, P. Shi,C.Yu, Chen. B., 2014. Effects of livestockexclusion and climatechange on aboveground biomass accumulation in alpinepastures across theNorthern Tibetan Plateau, Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(32):4332-4340.

62.  Wu, J., Z. Shen, Zhang. X.*,2014. Precipitation and species compositionprimarilydetermine the diversity-productivity relationship of alpine grasslandson theNorthern Tibetan Plateau, Alpine Botany, 124(1),13-25.

63.  Wu, J., Z. Shen, P. Shi, Y. Zhou, Zhang. X.*, 2014.Effectsof Grazing Exclusion on Plant Functional Group Diversity AlpineGrasslandsalong a Precipitation Gradient on the Northern Tibetan Plateau,ArcticAntarctic and Alpine Research,46(2): 419-429.

64.  Chen, B., X.Zhang*, J. Tao, J. Wu, J.Wang, P. Shi, Y.Zhang, Yu. C., 2014. The impact of climatechange and anthropogenic activitieson alpine grassland over the Qinghai-TibetPlateau, Agriculture and ForestMeteorology, 189: 11-18.

65.  Zhao, Y., Zhang, X., Shi, P.,Wang,J., Wu. J., 2013. Impact of Drought Stress onNet CO2Exchange Above an Alpine Grassland Ecosystem in the Central TibetanPlateau.Journal of Resources and Ecology 4, 327-336.

66.  Wu, J., X. Zhang*, Z. Shen, P. Shi,X.Xu, Li. X., 2013. Grazing-Exclusion Effects onAbovegroundBiomass and Water-Use Efficiency of Alpine Grasslands on theNorthern TibetanPlateau, Rangeland Ecology and Management, 66(4): 454-461.

67.  Wu, J., Z. Shen, X.Zhang, Shi.P.*,2013. Biomass allocation patterns of alpine grassland speciesandfunctional groups along a precipitation gradient on the NorthernTibetanPlateau, Journal of Mountain Science, 10(6): 1097-1108.

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77.  程俭, 刘昌华, 刘凯, 武建双, 范晨雨, 薛滨, 马荣华,宋春桥* (2021). 2004年以来青海湖快速扩张对人居设施与草地的潜在影响. 湖泊科学33(03): 922-934.

78.  冯云飞, 李猛, 李少伟, 邸迎伟, 沈振西, 张宪洲, 余成群, 严俊, 席永士, 武建双*, 2019. 2010 – 2017年藏北高寒退化草地禁牧恢复效果评价. 草业科学 36, 1148-1162.

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83.  罗黎鸣, 武建双, 余成群, 潘影, 苗彦军, 武俊喜*, 明升平, 郭应杰, 2016. 拉萨河谷山地灌丛草地植物多样性监测方法的比较研究. 草业学报 25, 22-31.

84.  罗黎鸣, 苗彦军, 潘影, 武建双, 武俊喜*, 余成群, 赵延, 赵贯锋, 2015. 不同干扰强度对拉萨河谷草甸草原群落特征和功能性状的影响. 草地学报 23, 1161-1166.

85.  田原, 余成群*, 雒昆利*, 武建双, 张宪洲, 倪润祥,田兴磊 (2014). 西藏地区天然水的水化学性质和元素特征. 地理学报69(7): 969-982.

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87.  周宇庭, 付刚, 沈振西*, 张宪洲, 武建双, 李云龙, 杨鹏万, 2013. 藏北典型高寒草甸地上生物量的遥感估算模型. 草业学报 22, 120-129.

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89.  武建双, 李晓佳, 沈振西*, 张宪洲, 石培礼, 余成群, 王景升, 周宇庭, 2012. 藏北高寒草地样带植物多样性沿降水梯度的分布格局. 草业学报 21, 17-25.

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1.  2022年,第13届青藏高原青年科技奖,中国青藏高原研究会。

2.  2022年,第四批飞天学者特聘计划讲座教授,甘肃省学位委员会和甘肃省教育厅。

3.  2018年,藏北高寒草地生态系统对气候变暖的响应机制研究,西藏自治区科学技术二等奖(排名第五)。

4.  2015年,藏北高寒草地生态系统变化分析与退化草地综合治理技术,西藏自治区科学技术一等奖(排名第七)。

5.   Wu, J.*, X. Zhang, Z. Shen, P.Shi, S. Wurst, C.Schittko,Y. Zhang, and C. Yu. 10.04-10.08, 2015, Scotland, UK. Spatialbiodiversitypatterns of alpine grasslands across the Northern Tibetan Plateau:effects ofenvironmental variables and pasture management, 3rdInternationalConference:Mountains of Our Future Earth, Perth. (The 5th Best Poster Prize)

6.  Wu, J.*, C. Zeng and X. Zhang.05.22-05.27,2015, Mainz,Germany. Effects of grazing exclusion on above-vs.below-ground biomassallocation in three zonal alpine grassland types on theNorthern TibetanPlateau, 12th European Dry Grassland Meeting. (The 2nd BestPoster Prize).

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